Sunday, February 22, 2009


Once I add the two $20 donations I have, I will be over $1000!!!! I am so excited!
I am so amazed by people's giving spirit! It is making me become a more giving person! I feel like I am learning so much as I prepare for this walk!

I was a total slacker this past week for training....but next week I am back on it....I am so looking forward to warmer weather so I can take the girls and just walk....I plan on getting a double stroller so by the time it gets warm I will be ready to, as Sammy says, ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!

If any one feels like walking with me once it gets nice, I will be doing longer walks on Sat and Sun....and I could always use some company! Also I have been tracking the distance from my house to different locations around the do not be suprised if I end up at some of your doorsteps once it gets nice, asking to use your bathroom...or fill my water bottle!!!!

I want to thank you all for your love and support on this wonderful journey I am taking!

1 comment:

  1. I would love for you to walk to visit me at work - but that might be too far this early in the training...but by September you should be able to walk there without a problem!! Keep up the hard work - Love ya girl!
